Thursday 7 March 2013

What is Optimal Intelligence?

Optimal Intelligence or Open Intelligence is what one discovers when the mind is relaxed. There are a number of ways one can do this, but one method is by utilizing short moments, many times during the day. By short moments I mean when positive, negative or neutral thoughts, emotions, perceptions or experiences enter our mind/body we let them pass on without going into multiple stories about them. For many people negative thoughts, or what could be called afflicted states, generate a multitude of points of view about what enters the mind. Relaxing the mind when this occurs not only relieves the negativity but also opens up the mind to marvelous clarity.

When I started listening to the talks on Great Freedom's web site (now called Balanced View) I was having severe afflicted states of mind. At first I was not sure how this could relieve the stress levels but I kept on listening. Eventually I started to practice short moments, and in conjunction with listening to the talks, found over time that these negative thoughts didn't hold the power that I used to think they did. In fact none of our thoughts or points of view have any power. We are led to believe from the time we are born that they do have power to control our lives and our mind. But in fact they have no independent nature of their own and are like a hologram or mirage. There is nothing there. I found that this realization of no power in our points of view changed my whole outlook on how I felt. It was a wonderful peace of mind I was experiencing that I had not had before.

Everything I had read, heard or watched previously in all the books, tapes, talks etc. talked about practicing positive thinking, or replacing the negative thoughts or points of view with positive ones. Unfortunately this only works for a short while or until another afflicted state comes along and we are right back where we started. So for me the key was listening to the talks, practicing short moments and giving my mind a rest from all the stories etc.

Optimal Intelligence is what we achieve when we practice these teachings. I found eventually that I had great clarity of mind. I could think clearly and solutions to problems came easily. What a blessing for your personal and business life. No longer do we worry excessively about what others think, say or do to us. We are able to concentrate on our work with much more clarity and freedom then we ever had before. Sure, we still have our ups and downs, but the curve of live is more balanced and evened out. We not only benefit ourselves but to all around us. Compassion and love for others becomes our beneficial nature.

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