Tuesday 12 March 2013

Headline: Papal contender says issue of women in church 'secondary'

My wife is a devoted Catholic and I go to church with her and the kids as a means of support. She wants me to go to Catholic School but it's not for me. My last visit to the church was embarrassing as I dropped the bread wafer and didn't stop to pick it up. Afterwards my wife scolded me for leaving it there and said the priest would have to pick it up and eat it. I'll be more careful next time.

 Anyway it's reading stories like these that makes me wonder why the church considers women's issues (and other important issues like gay marriage etc) secondary. Shouldn't these be a priority for the next Pope. If not then maybe we should pick a Pope like they pick a contestant on The Price is Right... "Come on down, your the next Pope on "The Vatican Is Right".

Story Link... http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/03/05/pope-election-women.html

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